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THREE BENEFITS OF CEDARWOOD OIL:Healthy, Soothing And Bug Repelling.

Essential oils have been used in some of the most ancient natural remedies in the world


Though medicine has evolved throughout history, adopting a more pharma-based role in developed countries, the use of essential oils is still widely applied in various medicinal and cosmetic treatments, especially within holistic healthcare.


Cedarwood oil is frequently distilled from the bark of the hardy Red Cedar tree, often found growing in high-altitude, colder climates. Ironically, it has a warm, woody scent, and provides a variety of benefits. From assisting in sleep to soothing irritated skin, Cedarwood oil is a grounding, natural oil that is commonly used.


Here are the three well-known benefits of Cedarwood oil:

1. Helps Promote Relaxation


Do you feel stressed out?


After an exhausting day, Cedarwood oil can help you unwind by promoting feelings of relaxation. Most commonly used in aromatherapy, Cedarwood oil’s sweet and warm scent may help restore calm in your hectic life. Why not try diffusing a few drops yourself and see how comforting you feel!


Did you know that you can also apply it topically? Yes, try enriching yourself further by rubbing a bit of the oil onto your skin and embalming yourself with its grounding properties. This versatile oil makes Cedarwood a perfect promoter for both tranquility and emotional balance. It is an ideal oil to apply at the bottom of feet, right before bedtime for restful sleep.


2. Say Goodbye to Bugs


Certain essential oils, such as Cedarwood oil, have been tested and used as insect treatments for centuries.  Due to its high potency as a natural bug repellent,  it has been often incorporated into building and ship construction for this reason.


As summer approaches, considered putting Cedarwood oil on your gardening tools, topsoil, around your home, or even on your arms and watch how it keeps those pesky bugs and mosquitos away! Another tip is to place a drop of Cedarwood oil on a cotton ball and keep it in your closet, drawers, or storage boxes to repel moths.


3. Get Clear, Glowing Skin


Did you know that Cedarwood oil is a purifying oil? That’s right, it has been well-studied for its natural skincare properties.
According to a study by The Journal of Alternative and Complementary MedicineVol. 22, No. 3, Cedarwood oil can be used as a “complementary treatment in refractory acne.”


You can incorporate Cedarwood oil into your skincare routine in various ways: by adding it to a moisturizer, toner, or even using it as a spot treatment. With its purifying properties, Cedarwood oil may help clear noticeable blemishes and keep skin looking healthy.


Cedarwood Oil: Feel More Balanced 


Are you feeling a need for more balance in your life? Why not give Cedarwood oil a try and see what its magical properties can do for you. From its topical to aromatic uses, Cedarwood oil has many known benefits that may assist you in your wellness journey.


Interested in learning more?

Feel free to learn more about and shop Cedarwood oil by checking out our Cedarwood oil page.  


We also offer continuing education classes on plant-based medicine, where we offer natural remedies to everyday solutions.


Lastly, don’t forget to read about the humanitarian movement this Company is involved with around the World.